She had a gypsy soul and a vibrant hope for the unknown
— D. Marie

Get to Know Me:

  • I’m a sister, fiancé, chicken mama, auntie, and #dogmom.

  • I’m dedicated to doing unsupported handstands for at least 3 seconds.

  • Nature therapy is my heart song.

  • Latte w/oat milk—> nothing better.

  • Boundary Waters Canoe Area is my favorite place on planet Earth.

  • The greener the dish, the more I’m into it! #allofthegreens

  • I am a full believer in the power of saunas.

  • I studied physics in college.


Sh*t I’m into:

  • Being a good human

  • Actually living, resisting traditional expectations

  • Finding purpose

  • Perspectives of cultures other than my own

  • Doing physical challenges like climbing mountains

  • Always improving

Hi friends - I’m Jenna and am oh so happy you are here! I’m a spunky gal with a zest for adventure…

Let’s take a journey!


Through sharing my experiences traveling this crazy world, my goal is to encourage and inspire bold & creative ACTION in pursuit of YOUR something more.



I’m a tough Minnesota girl who has a passion for exploring all corners of this amazing world we live in! I have always been a backyard adventurer, but became enraptured by International travel after a Kiwi trip my sophomore year of college.

Up until June 2020, I considered myself a Full Time Life Experiencer (yes - this might be a job you find on the Bachelor) w/a part time gig in Med Device Engineering. I find a way to do all of the things while kicking ass in a 9-5 because traveling takes money, people!

In June 2020, I quit my full time gig in order to move FT into our converted school bus and travel the states. Now back home for the winter, we are figuring out next steps - which will include many more Ruby adventures :)


Easy peasy - I’m a wannabe hippie with an unrelenting desire to live a beautiful, traveled life full of adventure and challenge while keeping myself fit AF.

I don’t have a crazy story or a beaming calling that came to me in a mid-summer dream. I grew up in small town Minnesota, went to a private college a couple hours away, graduated in 4 years…and THEN, I got a flashing desire to go abroad and hold off on the real world. I’ve always rebelled against the “typical” path and student loans weren’t going to bite me in the butt for at least 6 months; it seemed ingenious! After teaching in Thailand, I had a perspective shift - the more places you go, the more you realize how much more of the world there is to see (not an original thought…). The bug has been active ever since - in the past 5 years, I have filled a passport with stamps & learned more than I can express in the pages of this website while climbing myself out of $35,000 of college debt within 3 years. I get a lot of questions “how I do it” with limited PTO and a conventional 9-5, so in these pages, I try to explain it all to you. It takes some creativity and energy to work towards your passions, but if you are persistent and have some grit, the world is your oyster ladies & gents! :)


In March of 2019, we bought a SCHOOL BUS! It’s been our baby over these past months and we tell you all about it here - MEET RUBY, our bright red fiery friend.



I have been blessed with this sweet, sweet man, Jakers, who as of Sept 5th, 2019 became my fiance! We were in full blow wedding planning season until COVID hit and we ended up post-poning our wedding to 2021. Canadian Rockies, you are about to be a special part of our love story <3 We are avid adventurers together and make a beautiful duo - 3+ something years strong! We love putting ourselves up to wild challenges (SKYDIVING is the latest), sometimes ones that feel like we are buried 10ft deep in (i.e. converting a school bus), but we figure it out through steady love and YouTube, duh! :D
