

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Destinado a Suceder - Costa Rica Prep

Destinado a Suceder - Costa Rica Prep

Originally posted Dec 24th, 2019

By the title, you can tell I'm attempting to freshen up on my Espanol because COSTA RICA is in our future, YA'LL! T minus 20 days is what my little countdown timer says until our post-Christmas-extended-Holiday-getaway! But first....CHRISTMAS :D

I've been to Costa Rica briefly a couple times when I worked at Abbott as we had a work site down there, but my experience outside of that is minimal. The little bit I did get to explore (S/O to Monteverde) was absolute jungle paradise and I've wanted to go back to really see all it has to offer since. Typically, I would say we have a pretty firm rule that we do not repeat destinations until we have already gone everywhere we want to go (which will be never) or have a major life event that changes our mind (ex. babies?), but this wasn't even what I would call an exception because I had traveled so little of the country outside of work. Anyways, we found a pretty sick deal on flights & I was SOLDDDDD on giving in to the #puraVida paradise.

We were definitely slacking on trip search up until a couple weeks ago when we decided we needed to really buckle down and at least figure out things like "what day are we leaving?" and "do we need a car?" and "should we climb this mountain?" You know - the kind of important stuff. We set a coffee shop date and headed out on a mission one Saturday morning because we know that is one of the ways we ensure we actually do what we set out to do. [Side note: I love trip planning; it jacks me up for the vacay while Jakers would rather just get straight to the vacay part without the planning...I guess that's worked out for him in the past? But get us into a coffee shop with intention & we do werkkk.] We decided to try a new shop we hadn't been before & a "we are exactly where we are supposed to be" moment happened. Listen here - we sit down after ordering coffee and I notice a little placard on the table that says something like "visit our resort in Dominical, Costa Rica". *Huh, that's ironic, but start sipping my java.* Some minutes later, a couple dudes come in the shop with a few portraits and start re-arranging the wall hangings. They start some chatter here and there & I overhear them talking about a trip to Costa Rica. NO FREAKING WAY. So me, being me, start up a conversation. TURNS out, these 2 dudes are brothers and the owners of the coffee shop & have a coffee farm partner down in Costa Rica (because CR has BOMB coffee)! They also own/manage a resort down in one of the major surfer towns! They've been to Costa like 20s of times and had some great advice we definitely took into account such as visiting the only Starbucks coffee farm on the planet!!

Just a good reminder for myself and maybe you - sometimes, it's nice to see a sign that tells you "hey lady (or man) - where you are right now, in this place, is right where you are supposed to be. Even though you may question it or you think you aren't doing enough or doing it best or thinking too much, this is a little reminder to give you a slight reassurance that you are there - on a path to greatness even when it just feels like another Saturday morning coffee run". Destinado a suceder <3

Paz, amor, & adventuras en tu futuro,

~Juana (truly Spanish Jen)

PS) Thanks for letting me practice my Spanish with you. A couple more goodies - preparing for what we might need in our 24mile hike in 24hours. :D CHIRRIPO, let's win together.

  • Pura vida / Costa Rican saying meaning "simple life" 

  • Necesito agua / I need water

  • Cuanto tiempo mas / how much farther

  • Cielo o tierra / heaven or Earth?

  • No puedo sentir mis piernas / I can't feel my legs

PPS) Did I use google translator? You are wondering - and I will be honest & say yes, but it was minimal and mostly to "remind myself" and confirm that my 9th grade memory box was holding up. :) Speaking of, this is from sometime in that era - ENJOY. 


Cambo Jambo 2019

Cambo Jambo 2019