

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Joy List, Top 10

Joy List, Top 10

*Posted Dec 2020 in Minnesota when COVID restrictions are HIGH & winter is rolling in.

This isn’t a foreign topic for me (having a “joy list”), but it is something I have had to modify as the COVID times are cramping all of our styles of what we are able & what we aren’t to do right now. So I’ve been digging hard to find things that can bring me joy in this time, “stuck” at home, waiting for the day we can see family and friends without feeling guilt or the weight of a serious risk for doing so.

Doing some serious thinking about the things that make you happy can be a really powerful tool to find ways to get to that joyful place. & at this point in time, be reminded that your life isn’t only in a hopeless place, there are still things to be happy about. You likely have had hard things happen to you in 2020, but ALL things that bring you joy have not been taken away - unless the only on your joy list is going to restaurants & to that I would say, modify your list OR bring the restaurant to you (aka learn how to cook!!!) So let’s get to it!


  1. Cooking dinner with my boo - chicken parm favorite, give it a try!

  2. Outside time - I know it’s getting colder out, but it’s been manageable & my philosophy is that there isn’t really another option with the gyms closed! GET MOVING.

  3. Morning coffee w/sun shining in and coffeehouse music playing. PS) learning to make GOOD coffee is a game changer here!

  4. Game nights - we played Olympic style games the other night, sort of like “beer Olympics” without the beer to mix-it-up :D Rotate who picks the game & obviously keeps tallies for # of wins.

  5. Trying new recipes - the latest one is Homemade Cinnamon rolls! Recipe here - make sure you have lots of butter on hand :P

  6. Good books/podcasts - so many goodies lately! Always taking recommendations :) Currently journeying through Atomic Habits by James Clear (self-help) & I’m Still Here by Austin Channing Brown (racial justice)

  7. Looking at our Christmas tree cuddled in a fuzzy blanket- so twinkly and bright *

  8. Walks with friends or family - anyway I can safely see my people are good days! Just may need to bundle up & have a hot choco waiting for you at home (also a winter joy)

  9. Smells of good scented cabin-cozy burning candles - Woodwick for the win!

  10. Infrequent take-out or ordering nummy coffee - Holiday drinks are out ya’ll!! Support the local bizes, give yourself a break from cooking, and get some tasty treats!

I really could keep going because once you start looking for what makes you happy, you start noticing it in many places! That’s part of the beauty of the process - sometimes you don’t even realize the things that put a smile on your face. I mean, I didn’t even get to painting the walls or doing the dishes yet!!

Ready, set, GO!

I like physically writing out a joy list & hanging it somewhere around the house/car/bus as a reminder. When I’m feeling down, maybe I’ll happen upon my joy list & be reminded of something I can do to flip that frown upside-down!

Peace, love, & CHOOSE JOY!

yo’ girl Jen (& Jakers, just because)


PS) Sorry for my MIA-ness lately! We were so ready to get home & then we walked into a partially completed house remodel, so we have been going 110% trying to get the kitchen back to a working condition. Between that & my job search & catching up on re-runs of New Girl, I haven’t had much time to spare! But I’m BACK!

Let's WRAP it Up

Let's WRAP it Up

