

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Living Out of a Bus Ed. 10 - Missing Home

Living Out of a Bus Ed. 10 - Missing Home

You know that feeling towards the end of vacation where you just want to be home and you’re tired of airport seats and waiting for the boarding and eating cold sandwiches and talking to random strangers about where they are coming from? That’s how we feel right now.

It’s been over 3.5 months now & we are just ready. Since Sedona, we have been tracking towards home and now we just want to get there, although that’s a 2,000 mile trek in something that only goes 57mph at its max speed. #patienceiskey We have started to hit winter, even in New Mexico and Arizona, which has been wearing on our mentality. Being stuck in Ruby through snow days or even super windy 40F weather is trapping (for me, anyways). Sure, we bundle up and do a hike or something, but that still leaves quite a few hours of the day inside glorious Ruby with cold toes, drinking hot water. We have also just hit a lot of roadblocks with things closing due to the season, locked tennis courts, minimal dispersed camping (meaning a lot of nights in parking lots), winter STORMS, and I am just tired of researching to be honest (bus life requires a LOT of research!!! - see post about the hard things here).


In the last 2 weeks, I have finished 4+ books, journaled for hours, done TONS of job searching/prep, and we have played countless games (we even made up game Olympics the other night!). I’m actually quite excited to have a job and responsibilities outside of myself & our adventure, but the job searching part always sucks (don’t feel bad for me, I know I did this to myself - explained here). We are past the honeymoon stage of our road trip and tracking towards the end of the road; it’s just the reality!


Things I miss about home:

  1. A safe space I always new was always there (& still is there, I’m just really freaking far away from it)

  2. Chill Sundays & a schedule in general that make Sundays more special than Tuesdays

  3. Outdoor chores - mowing the lawn, checking on my birds and stuff (is that weird??)

  4. Friday night football games w/the fam (S/O to my balla brother Loggy Joe!)

  5. Sunday meal prep (chopping veg is one of my happiest past-times - is that also weird?)

  6. Boiling homemade bone broth all day for the bestest soup with the aroma filling the house

  7. Convenience of laundry, a fridge I didn’t have to rip apart anytime I wanted to find oat milk, bath-time when I wanted it, feeling clean from a refreshing shower (showers are even more rare these days as we are too big of babies for the outdoor one & public showers have been a #struggle to find)

  8. My cycle bike at the gym (missing Ally Love’s #church)

  9. Not having to research where to shower, where to sleep, where to dump/fill #exhausted

Basically, all of the hard things about #buslife are the things I miss about home, plus so many of our family and friends nearby. With the pace we have traveled at over these months, it’s taken a toll and I just feel tired. If we were full time bus living, this pace would not be sustainable, which we knew, but we also knew we had a set amount of time we were going to be on the road for now. We still haven’t slept in a Walmart parking lot, but everyday it becomes a bit less off-putting. (We won’t ruin our streak, don’t worry!)

With the Holiday season coming up, we also have a lot to look forward to at home! I can’t wait to crank the Christmas tunes and decorate a tree in the living room while dancing to Mariah Carrey’s All I Want for Christmas (you welcome)! (PS If this isn’t your favorite Christmas song, then you cray…unless this is your fave - then we’re on the same page) But I also know after the Holidays pass, I will be craving adventure and wishing we were back on the road (& w/Ruby, adventure is right at our fingertips mostly always!). Funny how that happens - it’s always the “miss what you don’t have”, dang it!! I know within a week or two of shoveling snow, job searching non-stop, and being wrinkly from bubble baths, I’ll be ready to be in the CO mountains on a nippy trail run! :D

So in the meantime, I will try my best to enjoy this last leg of our (cold) journey home, as challenging as that may be!

Yes, we have even resorted to playing #memory :D


Peace, love, and enjoy the PRESENT (note to self),

yo’ girl Jen


But for real Ruby, can you please drive faster?!?!



Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound