

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

My Tribute to Plane Pants

Originally posted Nov 16th, 2016

As I sit here in my plane pants on another wild Saturday night, I decided I love my plane pants so much, that I need to express to the world why each and everyone of YOU need a pair.

Here is my pledge...to plane pants of course. [Disclaimer: It's like when you talk about your favorite person in the world, you can never do them justice because they just have too many great qualities...that's how I feel right now writing about my favorite pants.]

So whatever feels you have after reading this, just know, the real feels are THAT much better. So listen wisely, take the advice as you will, and then if you are even somewhat convinced, maybe go buy a pair of your own. If you need that extra boost, feel free to call me; I'm known to help sway the undecided (P.S. I stay up late).

I have never put a name or face to my plane pants until recently. Which is absurd considering all of the planes I've been on in the past 4 years. But before we get too deep, let's start with defining what plane pants really are.

Plane pants: the most comfortable, breathable, yet snugly piece of bottoms you own. They smell like your pillow, cuddle your curves like your favorite blanket, and if you could make a piece of clothing out of every soothing word your mom's ever said to you, they ARE that. They listen, but they don't talk back. They comfort you and never make you feel lonely. They are the perfect fit even after you've had a few too many Reese's PB cups...or just spoonfuls of PB (wish I could say not guilty) or chocolate chips (dark chocolate or die) or ___insert weakness here___. They laugh when you laugh, cry when you cry and stay wrinkle-free through it all.

It's simple really. Take your favorite pair of pants, the ones you NEVER want to take off and maybe get like really sad when it's their turn to go in the wash, and deem them the privileged ones to be your one and only PLANE PANTS. If you don't have that pair of bottoms that you can't get enough of, this will be a guide to you for picking out the PERFECT pair. Follow these rules and you will never look at your other pants the same.

#1 Understand the importance of a good pair of plane pants-brainstorm the times, places, and occasions you will need thee perfect plane pants. Take this example of some person I know- Time: every hour, all hours. Places: planes (duh), lounging when I don't want to wear underwear, and the occasional Cub Foods grocery run. With traveling solo and long flights, I find it ultra-important to be wearing something that brings you comfort...which is how I decided on the name "plane pants". Also would be nice if these could work at Thanksgiving since they will tuck in my turkey stuffing post-meal (literally).

#2 Determine frequency you will need plane pants-remember, plane pants can be used at more events than just the plane. As I write this, I am in my plane pants on the couch on a Saturday night. I also wear to bed. I also didn't take them off for 4 days when I first bought them; that is how attached and loyal I am to my plane pants. Back to example- Frequency: 20/21 days of the week they will be put on at least 1x/day (staying consistent with the ~once/3 wk laundry cycle).

#3 Style-find your style. When you're having a bad day, do  you throw on a pair of BF shredded fit jeans or a pair of your BF's sweats? When you come home from work in your stiff-armed blazer that pisses you off more than your most annoying co-worker, what specifically brings you the most relief? If that answer is wine by the bottle, I suggest you buy something in the darker-shades with a quick dry time. What kinds of things would you like to do in these pants? How diverse of situations would you like them to handle? Bar appropriate? Yoga acceptable? Burger&brew certified? The decision is yours.

#4 Budget-frequency (#2) will help determine your spending level. Think about it, you wear a wedding dress ONCE and you budget a few hundred to a few thousand. Some say you can't compare, but when I plan half of my nights in these things, I have some freedom when it comes to the hunned dolla bills ya'll. I ain't no Lil Wayne, but sometimes you gotta make it rain for the ones you love. I mean c'mon, one less coffee stop each week for 10 weeks can already save you fitty dolla.

Just to give you a visual, here are my beloved, one-of-a-kind plane pants (not pictured: me, but we do both have innies). As you study this picture, think about #1-4 and compare your list with what you see. Is this how you picture your plane pants? Probably not...but maybe there are some take-aways. This is an EXAMPLE ppl.

Follow these 4 guidlines and I think you'll lock in the perfect pair. Again, there is no right or wrong when choosing plane pants. ALL PLANE PANTS MATTER!!! (APPM) If you havent' heard of the movement, be prepared to because it's gonna be trending.

Plane Plane C4.jpg

So now that you're catching my drift, go spend a few bucks..or establish which pants in your closet are your very own, special, plane pants. Because I can guarantee you, whatever pair you choose  will be so very honored to have THAT title and you, my friend, are going to be living like a King.

P.S. Like what it's called at the end of a movie where they play all the parts that weren't supposed to happen, but did happen while filming...that's what this is...bloopers or something like that, the extra pages in the book, the "extended" version that's a "Target exclusive":

*Most recent conversation*

Me: I'm blogging about my plane pants.

Roomie1: But you haven't even been on a plane since you bought them.

Me: But I will be soon...

Roomie2: Jenna, you're high.

Me (thoughts): *Clearly none of these fools have found their plane pants*



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