

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Vietnam - It's the Climb

Vietnam - It's the Climb

It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere (entry #1)

Originally posted Nov 19, 2018.

Sticky bodies and sticky rice --> glad to be back, Asia. After more than 24 hrs of flying, we were READY to go. Wide eyed and giddy, we hopped on the local bus into the city. Hanoi was the first stop for us to get our bearings and try to adjust our sleep cycles to the measly 13 hr time dif. We spent the first day wandering lost trying to find our hotel, acclimating to the streets, and trying to order some Vietnamese coffee. (Also, high on the priority list was finding me some head strips as I loveeeeeee my head strips and have been missing them since my Thai stock ran out like last year. Head strips = happy)

One of the best stories of the trip / Jake's first Asian shop experience: we walk into a little shop that says "cafe" on the outside on a sign (looking for coffee, so this is good). Inside, the owner pointed to her menu which was written in Vietnamese on the wall, Jake shook his head yes since he is fluent in Vietnamese (not) and could read exactly what he was saying yes to. And then we wait. 10 mins came & went and I started thinking we didn't order coffee. A few mins later we are served a gourmet hot dog topped with ketchup and mayonnaise in a hoagie...same, same but different. It was then I realized Jake doesn't ACTUALLY know Vietnamese and has been a fake this whole time!! It was the hardest I've laughed in a while and still a trip highlight. Out of respect, Jake took a bite. We took the hot dogs to-go, and found the next trashcan. It's not that I was doubting they were good...(or maybe was)...but more that we wanted coffee, I was anticipating coffee, and got a hot dog. It's like when you think you're taking a sip of milk and it's actually orange juice in the cup - PSYCH. It messes with you. But we did eventually find some Vietnamese coffee which BTW, is delicious. Condensed milk at the bottom, strong brew on the top - add it all up it's a deadly combination (still remember my dance moves for this song from Community Ed dance when I was probs 5 #Daddy'sMoney).

After getting settled to our hotel which was small, but decent, we went wandering the streets of Old Quarter. The town wasn't too impressive to me. Lots of streets with food stalls and the random trinkets you find all over Asia. Most of the time it just leaves me wondering where the heck they get this stuff and why anyone wants it. Also, it's quite impressive you can make a living off of solely selling plastic stools. There are LOADS of coffee shops. There is also a really famous lake in Hanoi (Hoan Kiem) that we spent some time walking around. You'll be sure to find the locals doing some form of Tai Chi / exercise / body movements probably all points of the day. It seems their favorite movements are arm circles, wave your arms back and forth, and a lesser form of a baby back bend (for you yogi's out there) - makes sense why they are all so skinny(?) It's actually quite bizarre. BUT taking notes for you, America.

We also ran into kids playing a game similar to mancala in the streets. They invited us to play and taught us how. It was really cute and fun and let me tell you,  we gathered a crowd.

 The first day (our flight got in ~10AM), we set a "make it until 5PM" goal to start adjusting our body schedules. We MADE it - and then woke up at 4AM. So far, I have not missed a night of snacking around 2AM as I wake up SO hungry!!! But really, it's lunch time at home, so it's fine (or at least that's what I tell myself) #snaxClub4lyfe

Peace & Asian love,


PS) I'm not sure Jake is loving Asia like I love Asia yet...but we have some more days for the transform to happen. 😉 A lot of "WTF" moments. It's a natural reaction. He's also too yall for nearly ever walk way...also too big of feet...also wears 2XL clothes here. He's a GIANT, freak of nature kinda being here. 💙

No Hablo Ingles (entry #2)

Originally posted

It’s the Climb, of the Vietnamese mtns (entry #3)

Originally posted Nov 23, 2018.

Hi friends & happy belated Thanksgiving! Hope all of your bellies are extra full today! We kind of missed the whole feel of Thanksgiving obvi as it's not celebrated here, but we were greeted with warm hearts at our home-stay which made being away over the holidays a little bit better. 💙 They also cooked us a lovely home style meal, but it was missing grandmas famous mashers, cherry jubilee, and stuffing. I keep forgetting to take pics of my food because I'm so starving by the time we eat, I'm a girl on a mission.

Just dropping in to share some pictures of the last 4 days of our moto loop (po-po free after Day 1!!) We actually ended up hitting BEAUTIFUL weather, rain-free after Day 1. It does get pretty cold up in the mountains though which we weren't completely prepared for. And then add driving a moto and it gets even a bit more chill!


I like to caption this one: "My man feeling on top of the world" -

Quick summary of the loop - don't do it if you're afraid of edges. Make sure you know how to ride a moto...like actually know because you will probably wipe out if you don't. Some roads are in….rough condition. And you also will likely be dodging some freight trucks coming around corners because let’s be honest - these roads aren’t buitt for 2 wide. Be ready for a million hundred switchies (= switchbacks).  Drive slow. Stop lots to take pics. Watch out for crazy bus drivers (and the cow runs via the road). Admire the people growing rice and harvesting crops on the sides of the mountains. And take it all in!!! It's really lovely.

I wasn’t joking about the cow runs either…they claim their space on the mountains.


We also made it to Vietnam's most Northern point (Chinese border) which was pretty neat. They have a Flag Tower close to the border where you are BASICALLY touching China. Thought: does this mean I can add China to my “been there” list?

OH and I cant help but love Jake's celebrity moments. How cayuteeee is this?? They both LOVE the thumbs up.


Ta-ta-4-now! We got some “trekking” to do in our next stop, SAPA!

Sending peace & love,

Biker Chick Jen


PS) Even in rural Vietnam, we found friends playing the sport we love!!! Check it. Only boys though because girls aren't supposed to work out - duh. Note to the passer - the key is balance and a good platform (#theCoachInMe) :)


PPS) I didn't get a picture of it because it was just so shocking, but we actually drove past a HALF cow in the street - head on, no blood, but missing the ENTIRE rear half of the animal. #ASIA They were just straight up cutting chunks of the cow off of it in the sidewalk of the main road thru town. I've seen some interesting meat processing methods over here, but this one....this one...was absurd. & didn't make me hungry. No picture captured because I was stunned frozen.

PPSS) In case you are wondering why I look like such a natural on a moto, it’s because I’ve maybe done this a time or two before. ;) Back in my Honda modeling days….JOKES

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