

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.





What’s NUTS is that it’s been 3 weeks already! We have been married for nearly a month. :0 Life has been so busy, I feel like we haven’t even been able to fully absorb it. I will say, the week up north was magical though. Although that was not the wedding we originally planned, it felt very much like us & was the perfect wedding setting. It brought out all of the “up north” vibes - relax, recover, no phones, be grateful, find joy in every moment.

The day was just nice. So very nice. I got up, drank some coffee, went on an AM run (bear-free), showered up for my hair appt, hopped around town with Shell, and then came back to a perfectly decorated venue. My sis took reigns of the decor while we were gone & it was so perfect.

Fails of the day:

  • 95F - that’s all. Only the hottest day of the year for Cook, MN on our wedding day of course :D

  • I forgot all flowers back in the Lodge, so no pics have my bouquet in them. I didn’t even realize it until we went back to the Lodge post-ceremony. #SMH, but at least I got a deal on them & they were #fake!!!

  • Crying uncontrollably through all of our vows (it was mutual) #fail

  • Power going out at 1pm wedding night meaning all AC units and fans DONEZO. It came back on a couple hours later & luckily, the honeymoon suite was the only cabin with AC. No running water, but it DID have an AC unit :D

  • Canoe ride dreams - it was SO windy on the water. We got in the canoe & were probably moving at 15mph from one dock to another. We tried to turn around to get another pic & could not paddle against the current LOL. But this pic >>>>

Highlights of the day/week:

  • Putting a ring on my hubs hand

  • Evening pontoon ride with nearly all of the guests <3 Singing, smiling, laughing. Just.thee.best.crew.

  • Night bonfire chats - playing 2 truths & a lie

  • Sharing our wedding day with Julie & Galen (Jake’s parents) 35th anniversary!

  • Mimosas with my ladies in the cabin getting ready w/Shell as our makeup artist

  • Coralie & Augustus walking down the aisle <3

  • Free upgrade at our honeymoon hotel on L.Superior #ballin

Everything is what you make it, but I really truly feel so blessed to have had such an amazing week.

Peace & so, so much love,

yo’ girl Jen (Mrs)


PS) I had this written 3 wks after our wedding, but am just posting it now :) We are nearly TWO months into wedded bliss now! New name, new house, and new job for yo’ girl coming up! Just a year of transitions <3

…And a few more pics for those of ya’ll itching for more… ;) I really could keep going, but we’ll leave it with these gems!

4Lp Wonder

4Lp Wonder

I Want You to Want Me