

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Outline of our Route - Ruby Tour 2020

Outline of our Route - Ruby Tour 2020


We realized we haven’t really shared with you all WHERE the heck we are planning to go on this 4-5 month tour! As much as a good chunk of our trip will likely deviate from these lines, here is a rough idea of where we are headed, for those of you who would like to follow along:

Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 9.11.26 AM.png

There are many stops in between, but this gives you an idea of where we are hoping to land at some point in this journey. We are quite flexible and have mostly added as we find cool shit along the way, so I won’t be surprised if zig-zags continue to get added :)


Today is Aug 4th, 2020 and we are sitting on a beach chair overlooking Lake Mary Ronan just west of Flathead Lake, MT. In regards to the map, we are at bubble F :)

Why does your trip stop in Colorado??

Great question, we have some best friends in CO (S/O to Britt & Grant, <333), so NEWS! We are moving into their basement. JK!!! Around the UT / CO area, we plan to re-assess what our timeline looks, what our bank account looks like, and what our sanity looks like. From there, we will either continue on, buy some land to park Ruby at, or drive her on home to the good ‘ol north.

Peace, love, and explore on,

yo’ girl Jen, sniffing some fresh sage


Update 23SEPT: due to the California wildfires, we dramatically ended up changing our plans. Once we got near Lake Tahoe, the air quality degraded to dangerous rates (around Sept 10th), so we decided to dodge straight east across Nevada. We made it to UT and are now planning on exploring the UT, CO, NM, and AZ square for the next month or two. If timing and conditions allow, we hope to make it back to the mid-southern Cali area, but thus far, things are not looking hopeful. :/ But the re-route hasn’t ruined our spirits! :D

The Next Chunk - Days 5+

The Next Chunk - Days 5+
