

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Something 'bout No Service (BWCA)

Something 'bout No Service (BWCA)

Originally posted Sept 7th, 2018

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness - my home away from home. You know that place you have that just brings up every sense of beauty and comfort and makes you feel like your best self? There is nothing better than going to that place with your best person (S/O to my Jakers). Helloooooo, my beautiful BWCA.


A place of pure stillness made only of natural noise - creaky trees, whistling wind, water splashes - and then you. It's sad that I feel like I have to explain what I mean by "natural noise" because I'm quite convinced that a lot of our world today has never experienced it. Natural noise (in Jenna's dictionary) is not the sound your computer makes when it's about to overheat. It is not the hum of your car in rush hour traffic or your watch ticking obnoxiously. It is simply the world as it would be without human disruption and it is purely. absolutely. most certainly. refreshing.


The Boundary Waters hits me deep; it speaks to me. It brings out the side of me that would be content living off of the land for the rest of my life. Those instincts that kick in when you realize you must chop up trees in order to get food don't get tapped into enough, but it's a part of us.  & then once you cook the food, knowing you either have to eat 100% of it or a bear WILL find you while you're sleeping brings a new perspective to the situation. [Side note: maybe that's what food eating contests are missing - a bear that will fight them for any food they don't consume] But then sometimes, when you're feeling lucky, you reward yourself with things like BACON and EGGS and making a room for all of the food seems all too easy. :) Hands down best meal of the trip even though it's my breakfast 80% of the time at home. Somethin' bout using that "hard work & inspiration" spice – wish it was handy more often.

Somehow, some way, no matter how my year has gone or what kind of attitude I have been bringing lately, the BWCA is one of those places that always gives me exactly what I need. It's a whole new set of challenges that completely takes my mind off of everything going on in my life and bigger, no matter what the "everything" entails.


Below are some of my favorites that I hope maybe someday gives ya'll a little push to take a trip into the north woods, leave no trace, and chase after some mental clarity in this garbage-filled world. I can guarantee you the BWCA has baggage, just of a different kind.

My little slice of heaven, that I feel so lucky to have found almost in my backyard. <3

"Let's wander where the wifi is weak" -Google search find/wish I could claim it

Still peacin', lovin', and wanderin' on,

Yo Girl Jenna


PS) Shout out to Papa Bear for first dragging my kiddo-booty into the wild when I was 13. Haven't missed a year since. :) Here's a little throwback from the drive up when we were just little lads with big dreams! Photo quality compromised due to the disposable camera - ha!


& we can’t forget about the wild collectors you find out there either!

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