

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Thee Immune

Alright, alright - like 50% of the world right now, I also had my run-in with COVID recently (thanks, Mom).

And honestly, I’m sort of relieved. Especially now that me (and my mama and my sis and little Coralie) are fully recovered! Not that it was an enjoyable experience, but I do feel quite invincible now. #strongasfuh And like hell yeah, let’s hit the airplanes, clubs, and all of the concerts (just my scene, #amIright). But since the world makes COVID sound like the devil and something we should all fear for our lives for and compromise all of the other parts of our health to avoid, here is a summary of my experience:

Day 1 of symptoms: slight headache and off feeling starting in the evening (~2.5 days post-exposure). I know when my body starts feeling funky & was quite sure I was going to have to lean-in to the ‘vid.

Day 2: woke up with a slight headache - started getting elevated body temp & some chills mixed with sweats. (I also took a BiNox test on this day and tested negative…)

Day 3: WORST-DAY by 10x. Pretty bed-ridden the entire day; took a sick day from work. The chills/sweats persisted through the night resulting in a terrible night of sleep. I also woke up with a DEEP brain headache which was probably the worst part- like the kind behind your eye sockets that permeates through your entire brain. I could barely open my eyes until the afternoon. It carried on through the day and my body temp was extra elevated

NOTE: even my Oura agrees & validated my feelings each day through this journey. How cool is this tracking device?!? Body temp, resting HR - all great indicators of how you’re doing!

Day 4: intensity of the headache backed off, but still was lingering. Low energy and very restful day again. Everything tired me out - even like a single work meeting, but I could feel I was starting to shake it.

Day 5 - 7: the low energy and slight head pressure carried on for a couple more days, but were manageable. My workouts were pretty light, but they existed at least! Anything with high intensity or upside-down motions didn’t feel great.

Day 8: BACK TO NORMAL - LIKE 95%+. Energy, enthusiasm, readiness to take on the day. It was also the day that I got my positive test results back (PCR taken on day 5).

I guess I would consider my experience a longer & more intense “flu-like” illness, but without the nausea. I also do not want to go through it again anytime soon, but I do not prefer being sick, no matter what kind of sickness it is.

My Current Health Hacks:

Disclaimer: these may or may not be backed by science, but these are things that make me feel good :D

  • Bath time, baby! My bath tub will always be a holy space for me, but especially when I am sick. Candles, calming music,

  • Asian head strips - honestly, they might even be sold in America, but I always buy years-worth of packs when I’m visiting. They go on your temples and have this amazing ability to relieve head pressure. (I also LOVE these on airplanes)

  • Vita D - get sunshine & supplement when it’s below 0F out. #helloMinnesota And even when it’s <0F, try to still get some real sunshine, even if it’s just for a min or two.

  • Bone broth - I think this one is backed, but you know how good soup tastes when you’re sick? Well, if you want to make it easy, get some good quality broth and put it in a coffee mug. Sippy, sip!

  • AG1s - we recently started to take Athletic Greens. I haven’t decided how much I actually think these help, but for now, it’s part of the regiment.

  • Electrolytes! Okay, I think these are backed by science, too. But whenever I get headaches or start to feel fatigued or dehydrated, I add some extra juice to mi agua!

  • And if you believe in the ginger & tumeric trends…hold your breath & toss ‘em back!


I’m just speaking from my experience as a survivor (not that unique, I know, I know). I mean, we are 2 years into this thang by now. Take what you will. Love your body. Show it kindness. And if you’re like most healthy, able bodies, you will be gifted immunity on the other side <3

Peace, love, and be kind,

yo’ girl Jen


PS) a baby blanket should be added to the list; just makes all dreary times a little brighter <3 29 years strong!

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