

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

winter blues

winter blues

I feel like every year I know this time will come.

The time of year where I just get really OVER winter.

But it’s only February, and I’m logical enough to know that we still have a LONG ways to go. But it seems that every year, my winter tolerance time table seems to shrink.

I do believe the shrinking window does have to do with COVID - where my main outlet has been getting outdoors. And when it’s simply just COLD AF to be outside, I do it less. I still force the daily walks, the bundle & suck it up - but it just takes a toll on my mental space. Going outside turns into such a process - I feel confined and start to resent the weather patterns and the reasons I have stuck around Minnesota.

It’s the time of year when all of us Minnesotans ask ourselves WHY.

At least in the mountains, you get semi-cold, BUT you also get the mountains. And that is something that you can’t put value on. Here, you get FREAKING cold and like ice fishing? If you’re into that…anyways, trying to remember the happy pics, even where I look cold and have rosy cheeks. Because smiles are everything these days!


my plea to the minnesota winter gods:

winter, be kinder.

we don’t all have the toughest skin

on the days when it’s lonely and cold

mine appears quite thin

and the thinner it gets, my patience at least

with spring still far away

i ask that you please

make the days a bit warmer

and the wind of less sting

so i can be a more joyful person

and not need wait until spring

peace, love, and make some magic,

yo’ SUMMER girl Jen

PS) I’ve been thinking I need a new winter craft/hobby that doesn’t involve the computer or working out…SO I just ordered a starter macrame kit :D Bring on all the handmade coasters, wall-hangings, plant hangers, and whatever else I can whip up with these magic hands.

Puking on a Plane

Thee Immune