

I’m Jenna & welcome to my happy space. Have fun navigating my adventures and so much more! My goal is that you learn a little, laugh a little, and get a spark to find your Something More! See you inside.

Puking on a Plane

Disclaimer: this story is not to be read while eating.

We've all seen the vom bags on the airplane, am I right? Hidden in every seat pocket, waiting for the lucky victim to one day need them. But have you ever been the lucky victim to need one? And I'm not talking about needing for your orange peels or pistachio shells…like REALLY need one?

Me too.

 Have you ever seen what the underside of an airplane toilet's seat cover looks like?

Me too.

 Have you ever stared and wondered how long it's been since the airplane toilet has had a wash? Like a good Lysol scrub down?

Me too.

Have you ever found yourself on your hands & knees in that bathroom staring into that very same dirty toilet, way too close for comfort?

Me too.

 Have you ever spent more time in that very same bathroom than in your assigned seat?

Me too.

How about all of this during a global pandemic, where masks are required - except can’t figure out how to wear a mask when vomit is flowing out of your mouth every 2 minutes?

I feel you - and let me tell you, it’s all as unpleasant as it sounds.

After nearly 6 sad months away from the airport, I was finally getting away to some sunshine and a chance to kick the winter blues. All was well in the world. 80s and sunshine was in my near future. Until I boarded the plane and immediately started feeling some kind of nauseous. I didn't even make it to the "no seat belt" zone before the puking started. Thankfully, the man next to me (with a seat in between) was so kind and understanding because once it started, it didn't stop. I literally threw up non-stop for the next 3 hours of the flight. I spent as much time as I could in the bathroom so the people didn't have to listen to my continual heaves, but I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for them either.

Even while exiting the plane, I had to wait in my seat to finish my heave bout before I could de-plane. Talk about a shameful experience - sitting in your seat, cuddled in the corner, puking your guts out while all passengers walk past you. Poor little thing (that little thing was me, but I really feel for her.) However, I did still make it to Florida and even managed to enjoy the sunshine after the 24hr bug passed over.

It’s in my rearview; slightly shameful experience that I wish it upon no one. Let’s just say I’m extremely thankful for those little baggies parked in the back-pocket of the marvelous Delta seats. I shall never look at them in the same way - because sometimes, they are precious items in limited supply. <3

Peace, love, and grow through the struggle,

Yo' girl Jen

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
— Kelly Clarkson


winter blues

winter blues